Friday, November 8, 2019

20 Animals Who Hit the Genetics Jackpot

As much as different and interesting colors in nature are considered mutations, just like in comic books — not all mutations are bad. Some of them have given us majestic creatures that are captivating in their appearance. Beauty literally radiates from their genes

1- This bearded cat

2- That's a nice wig! Oh wait...

3- Mother of Dragones, with a mustache...

4- A green-eyed angle

5- You can look, but you can't touch.

6- Majestic dogs

7- Eyes that hold the entire world

8- Foxes come in all different colors.

9- And the "Fluffiest" Cat of the Year award goes to...

10- These sisters are just plain gorgeous.

11- Lucky girl

12- German Shepherds were never this mesmerizing.

13- Spot the spotted.

14- A smoky eye looks good on eveeryone.

15- Black and gold python.

16- "Who's that behind me, apart from my ridiculously cool tail?"

17- Is it marble or is it real?

18- Spectacular spectacled bear

19- Touched by night itself...

20- This is no ordinary bird.