Sunday, November 10, 2019

10 Weirdest Wedding Cakes Ever Created

10 Weirdest Wedding Cakes Ever Created

Serving a cake on a wedding is like an unspoken rule. It's weird when you there's no cake in a wedding. It's a simple tradition that dates back many years and symbolizes peace and prosperity. Newlyweds prefer their cakes in different shapes, sizes, colors, breeds and some of them go completely berserk when it comes to decorating their cakes. Here are 10 of the weirdest ones.

1- And we all fell down

2- She'll throw down the stairs

3- They're both psychopaths

4- Damsel in distress

5- They're special agents

6- An action movie

7- They'll always love each other

8- Till death do us part

9- Luxury 

10-  No room to escape